Asbury Automotive Group vs. BorgWarner
$353 and 18% Return on Margin in 8 Market Days!
September sees us visit a new SLOW 60 U.S. Equities Pair for a great stock pair trade.
Asbury Automotive Group (NYSE:ABG) vs. Borg Warner (NYSE:BWA). These auto parts suppliers set up an infrequently available pair trade that delivered the goods quickly and efficiently.
$353 in 8 days, with no drawdown. ($5k/leg, 5:1 CFD leverage)
We wish they were all so smooth…
Watch our video as pro stock pair trade master Pedro Alonso Calvo shows you how this trade setup ticked (almost) all the boxes and was a slam dunk entry:

Stock Pair Trade for Income Using PairTrade Finder’s SLOW 60 Cointegrated U.S. Stock Pairs
When you subscribe to PairTrade Finder® PRO, we include our SLOW 60 U.S. Stock Pairs. We’ve arranged for these 60 cointegrated and correlated stock pairs to be auto-loaded into our platform when you boot up PRO. These SLOW 60 will immediately start calling high-probability stock pair trades for you to review.
How do we find these pairs?
We analyse and over 2,200 US equities with market caps over $2 billion and daily traded volumes of at least $2 million to find you the best stock pairs for you to trade.
What’s more, we update this analysis on a more or less quarterly basis to ensure these pairs stay fresh and their correlations and cointegrations strong to offer you the highest-probability setups.
All pairs must meet strict fundamental correlation criteria and profitability and robustness measures.
Additionally, when you subscribe to our market-leading pair trading platform, you are stepping in to a 2-4 week training course to help you create your monthly income machine.
Add in the SLOW 60 we have curated for you and we’ve done the heavy lifting to get you moving in your right direction.
Start a Free Trial at our special -25% Off Discount rate here:
Happy Trading!
The PairTrade Finder®Team
NB: The example stock pairs in PairTrade Finder®PRO and the stock pair trade signals generated therefrom are provided for informational and educational purposes only. They should not be construed as personalised investment advice. It should not be assumed that trading using the parameters demonstrated by the Software will be profitable and will not result in losses. Please see our full Terms & Disclaimer here.