FAST 50 + 6.1%, S&P500 TOTAL RETURN -10.8%
17 closed trades, 14 winners, 82% Win Rate!
The out-of-sample, unfiltered LIVE trading signals generated from our May Vintage FAST 50 U.S.Equities Pairs, which launched on 2 May 2022, delivered approx. $2,000 Net Profit on an imputed account equity of about $30,000 for more than a 6% return. Meanwhile buy & hold of the S&P 500, including dividends, delivered -10.8% over the same period!
Here is a detailed summary of the performance:

Here are the live trading signals as outlined above, using IQFeed data, with both EOD and some Intraday exits:

And here are the open trades in the Watchlist PnL:

The results would have been even more impressive if the EXPE/MAR trade, which delivered -$1,215 and was our “Dog of the Month”, had been avoided. Our proprietary signal filtering and trade management techniques would have flagged this trade before entry. To see exactly how we filter these signals and learn how we manage trades after entry, watch our video on that trade here:

Pair Trading, which you may or may not know, involves simultaneously entering LONG (i.e. BUYING) and entering SHORT (i.e. SELLING) two “paired” securities.
It provides protection from market crashes, controlled risk, low correlation to the market averages and ability to generate significant income and consistent returns.
No need to worry about interest rate rises, inflation, unemployment, recession, stagflation, market volatility, investment earnings or a market crash!
In short, pair trading for income allows you to stop worrying about Mr. Market almost entirely. It allows you to find money-making opportunities in any market, bull, bear or sideways.
That’s why professional traders and managers are attracted to the stock pair trading strategy. They have been using it successfully for over 50 years, in all market conditions.
Exhaustive Research Backs Up this Hedge Fund Trading Strategy
Multiple recent research studies across the whole S&P 500 universe and using standard parameters have demonstrated returns to be in the range of 2%-4% per month*, on a 4:1 leverage basis, over more than a decade.
Add in the use of Cointegrated Stock Pairs and the historical returns look even stronger**.
But those are just studies (though rigorous and complete ones). Can anyone show some evidence that trading a portfolio of stock pairs kicks off a goodly wad of cash most months? And can be done in less than an hour per day?
Live Trading Signals from PairTrade Finder®’s FAST 50 Cointegrated U.S. Stock Pairs
We prefer to put our money where our mouth is.
Some of you may know that when you subscribe to PairTrade Finder® PRO, we include our FAST 50 U.S. Stock Pairs. We’ve arranged for these 50 cointegrated stock pairs to be auto-loaded into our platform when you boot up PRO.
How do we find these pairs?
We analyse and over 2,200 US equities with market caps over $2 billion and daily traded volumes of at least $2 million to find you the best cointegrated stock pairs for you to trade.
What’s more, we update this analysis on a more or less quarterly basis. This update ensure these pairs stay fresh and their correlations and cointegrations strong to offer you the highest-probability setups.
All pairs must meet strict fundamental correlation criteria and profitability and robustness measures.
Additionally, when you subscribe to our market-leading pair trading platform, you are stepping in to a 2-4 week training course to help you create your monthly income machine.
Add in the FAST 50 we have curated for you and we’ve done the heavy lifting to get you moving in your right direction.
Start a Free Trial at our special -25% Off Discount rate here:
Happy Trading!
The PairTrade Finder®Team
* See https://blog.pairtradefinder.com/pair-trading-research-studies-articles/for studies underlying pair trading’s profitability.
NB: The FAST 50 example pairs in PairTrade Finder®PRO and the trading signals generated therefrom are provided for informational and educational purposes only. They should not be construed as personalised investment advice. It should not be assumed that trading using the parameters demonstrated by the Software will be profitable and will not result in losses. Please see our full Terms & Disclaimer here.